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Gift from the filmmaker. We went to the Whitney Indepdenent Studio together in the 1980s and I brought her to Pitzer in the early 2000s to show her work. I follow her current work on immigration and the environment.

gift from filmmaker for teaching and research.

Gift from filmmaker. She is a friend and colleage and also wrote an essay for my collection "F is for Phony: Fake Documentary and Truth's Undoing," co-edited with Jesse Lerner (University of Minnesota Press, 2006).

Gift from filmmaker. Meema participated in a videomaking workshop that Cheryl taught in the late 80s, and that I also participated in, at Film/Video Arts in NYC. This is an early documentary that played on PBS about kids of gay and lesbian parents.

Gift from filmmaker. For research and teaching.

Dub for teaching given to me by I'm not sure by who. I was interested in how video was opening out into more honest stories of young people's lives. It worked well for teaching because it was raw.
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